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畢業於國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系聲樂組,師事劉塞雲教授。1988年於臺北市立成功高級中學擔任音樂教師,1990年赴美進修,前後共投入七年的時間與精力,專研合唱及中等音樂教學法。於19928月與19973月,分別獲得美國俄亥俄州立大學(The Ohio State University)音樂教育碩士與博士學位。
在進修期間,隨Dr. James E. Major, Dr. Hilary ApefelstadtMr. James Gallagher學習合唱指揮與合唱教學法;並曾兩度接受美國合唱泰斗Robert Shaw的指導,在其指揮下演出布拉姆斯之《德意志安魂曲》及多首合唱經典名曲;隨 Dr. Patricia FlowersDr. Timothy Gerber學習初等與中等音樂科教材教法;並隨Dr. David Frego學習Dalcroze教學法。

目前為國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系專任副教授,並擔任臺北市國民教育輔導團國中藝術學習領域輔導小組輔導教授,新北市新北高中音樂學科中心諮詢委員,中華民國音樂教育學會監事,臺灣合唱協會常務理事,臺灣國際達克羅士音樂節奏研究學會理事,藝術教育研究期刊第2242期主編與顧問委員,以及「蔚藍之聲合唱團」(La Voix d’Azur)藝術總監暨指揮,並為美國合唱指揮協會(American Choral Directors Association)終身會員。

 20077月受邀擔任第一屆亞太合唱藝術節(The Asia Pacific Cantat 2007)在臺灣宜蘭之客席指揮,20098月亦受到澳洲合唱協會(Choral Association Australian)的邀請,擔任在西澳舉辦的「春唱」合唱研習營(“Sing Into Spring” Workshop for Young Voices, Changed Voices and Adult Voices)之客席指揮與講師。 20238月應臺北愛樂文教基金會邀請,擔任「2023臺北國際合唱大賽」(2023 TICC Grand Prix Competition)評審。

200912月於藝術教育研究期刊(TSSCI、THCI Core)發表「臺灣北部地區中小學歌唱教學評量實施狀況之調查研究」。2011年出版〈學校歌唱教學內涵與實務之研究〉專書。2011-2013年度獲科技部補助三年期專題研究計劃案「臺灣地區青少年變聲期歌聲特質發展之探索研究」。201612月於藝術教育研究(TSSCI、THCI第一級)發表「臺灣北部地區青少年變聲期歌聲特質之縱貫研究」。

Dr. Yu-Wen Pan is Associate Professor of Music Education in the Department of Music at National Taiwan Normal University. She teaches music and choral teaching method courses.
She is also the conductor and music director of the “La Voix d’Azur” (mixed adult choir) in Taipei.
Dr. Pan majored in voice performance and received her Bachelor of Music degree from NTNU.
After seven years’ hard work studying choral and secondary music education methods, she received a Master of Arts degree and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Ohio State University in the United States.
During the OSU’s graduate study, she followed Dr. James E. Major, Dr. Hilary Apefelstadt, and Mr. James Gallagher to study choral conducting and directing. She also got twice wonderful chances to sing Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem and some major choral pieces under Mr. Robert Shaw’s conducting. In addition, she studied elementary and secondary general music teaching methods and materials with Dr. Patricia Flowers and Dr. Timothy Gerber, and Dalcroze Eurhythmics with Dr. David Frego.
Dr. Pan was invited by The Asia Pacific Cantat 2007 in Yilan, Taiwan to conduct and instruct the Atelier One. She was also invited by Choral Association Australian Inc to be the guest conductor of ”Sing Into Spring” Workshop for Young Voices, Changed Voices and Adult Voices at Bunbury and Perth, Western Australia in August 2009. Recently, she is invited by Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to be the jury of  2023 Taipei International Choral Competition” (August 2-4, 2023).
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